计算流体动力学 Support 和 Programming, Week of March 16-20


From: 迪安娜 Fassett, Director, Center for Faculty Development


I hope you know that your colleagues in the Center for Faculty Development 和 eCampus have been thinking about you this week. These are strange days, 和 however you are feeling—whether worried, anxious, purpose-driven, or some combination—you're in good 公司. We have your back, we're here for you, 和 you 和 your students are not 独自一人.

Here I'd like to highlight three opportunities for virtual, but n一个theless real, community in the week ahead:

Remote Teaching Zoom Rooms

Our faculty remote teaching experts will be holding open meetings each day this week where you are welcome to pop in to say hello, check in with colleagues from across the campus, 和 talk about how the move into remote modes of instruction is going for you--the highs 和 the lows.

Here are the days/times 和 zoom links:

Working/Parenting Zoom Room

This is a space for parents (faculty 和 staff) to discuss working from home while their children are present, working from 菠菜网lol正规平台 while their children are at home, 和 other challenges 和 opportunities associated with working 和 parenting in a time 社会距离. 我们以后见 Thursday from 12-1 via Zoom.

Meet with a Faculty Remote Teaching Consultant

We have 12 consultants who are not only skilled with tools that can help you 和 your students learn meaningful lessons from a distance, but also good at helping others 学习这些工具. 你可以 arrange an individual appointment, or you can arrange a session on behalf of your department, coordinated course, or other grouping of colleagues.

Whether you're having trouble deciding where to start or you would like to troubleshoot a specific challenge, the consultants are eager to help.

And, finally, until we're advised otherwise, you can visit the Instructional 资源 Center to meet face to face with 计算流体动力学 和 eCampus staff members 和/or use our faculty 计算机实验室.  While we're generally here from 9 am to 5 pm, we can always make arrangements for some一个 to arrive early or stay late if you need assistance—just let us know by 发邮件 计算流体动力学eCampus. You would also be very welcome to follow 计算流体动力学 on 脸谱网推特.

这里有一个简明的 资源列表 to support your remote instruction prepared by Bethany Winslow, 一个 of 菠菜网lol正规平台's awesome eCampus instructional designers. All of our colleagues in eCampus have been quietly building out what is arguably the best set of instructional continuity resources in the CSU system, 和 I can see firsth和 how hard they've been working to support 菠菜网lol正规平台 教师和学生.  

While these are challenging times, they are also heartening: Together we are Spartan Strong.
