科罗拉多州立大学更新疫苗接种政策,要求加强接种; Monitoring the Omicron Variant; 寒假提醒


发件人:文森特·J. 德尔·卡西诺.,教务长和行政主管


California State University (CSU) Chancellor Joseph I. 卡斯特罗 今天宣布all CSU campuses will require students, faculty 和 staff accessing university facilities 接受COVID-19疫苗加强注射 to remain in compliance with the CSU’s 疫苗接种 policy. 更新后的政策 applies to auxiliary employees, volunteers 和 other unpaid appointments. 

The new requirement calls for boosters to be received by February 28, 2022, or six months after an individual received the final dose of the original 疫苗接种, whichever 是后来. 医疗和宗教方面的豁免可以适用. 被代表的员工将不受约束 to the booster requirement until the CSU concludes its meet-和-confer process with 它的工会.  

Individual CSU campuses may establish an earlier date for compliance for students 和 non-represented employees based on local circumstances. 菠菜网lol正规平台领导可以选择 an earlier deadline to assist with safety for the spring semester. 我们会通知 the campus community once a local deadline decision has been made 和 will update 的常见问题解答 疫苗接种页面,如有需要. Information about the process to upload vaccine booster shot confirmation 会在新的一年里分享吗. 


With the new challenges presented by the Omicron variant, it is imperative 那 we continue to remain flexible to adjust quickly to the ever-evolving p和emic. 

We are monitoring county 和 state public health guidance as we try to gauge if the variant’s emergence could affect the start of the spring semester. At this time, the spring 2022 semester will continue as planned. We will reassess the l和scape 和 provide an update during the first week of January. We are also in contact with leadership in the colleges 那 have winter session courses 面对面. We will make decisions on those courses in consultation with college 和 departmental leadership unless a change in guidance dem和s an institutional decision 把所有的冬季课程全部放到网上. 


As we look forward to the holidays, we must ensure we are taking care of ourselves 还有我们休息时要去拜访的人. 

The California Department of Public Health recently issued recommendations for any一个 从其他州或国家进入加州. 加州居民返乡 到州后的假期旅行应该随之而来 CDC旅行指南 并在抵达后三到五天后接受检查. 如果你的测试呈阳性或发展 symptoms of COVID-19, you should isolate 和 monitor symptoms. 免费检查COVID-19 测试 在你的国家,包括 圣克拉拉县阿拉米达县.

The 中心 for Disease Control 和 Prevention (CDC) recommends you obtain a booster shot if it has been six months or more since you completed your two-dose COVID-19 疫苗接种 with Pfizer or Moderna or more than two months since your 约翰逊 & 约翰逊 疫苗接种. Boosters are available for all adults, 和 16-17 year olds are eligible 辉瑞biontech助推器. 

Being fully vaccinated — including a booster — is the best way to keep yourself 和 你的社区安全. We will continue to monitor the situation with the Omicron variant 和 will share any operational updates via email 和 our social media channels. I 祝大家度过一个安全愉快的寒假.

