


In light of the ongoing challenges for students and their families during the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, on Monday December 7 the Academic Senate passed and President Papazian approved the following grading changes for the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters (F20-2, University Policy, Grading Changes to Support Maximum Flexibility During the Prolonged COVID-19大流行). These changes are intended to minimize the impact of negative grades on students’ long-term academic success, in the context of disruptions to daily life and high levels of stress and anxiety during the pandemic.

  1. All WU (Withdrawal Unauthorized) grades will be converted by the Registrar’s Office 至W(撤回). W grades are not included in the GPA calculation, and students will not be considered “repeaters” when they retake a class. 教师应该分配 WU grades when students have missed a significant portion of the course (stopped attending and submitting assignments). Instructors can enter 12/7/20 for the last date of attendance for WU grades on the grading roster.
  2. All F grades will be converted by the Registrar’s Office to NC (No Credit) grades NC grades are not included in the GPA calculation. Students repeating a course for the first time after earning NC will be able to enroll in the course three weeks before the start of the semester (F08-2). In the case of academic integrity violations, NC grades will revert to F.
  3. Students eligible for disqualification will not be disqualified at the end of the 2020年秋季学期(见 Amendment D to University Policy S16-16, Probation and Disqualification, Temporary Amendment due to the COVID-19大流行). Instead they will continue on probation and be connected with advising staff to help them access critical academic resources and make plans to successfully progress toward their degree objectives.

If you have questions about specific grading situations please contact Associate Dean Melinda Jackson for undergraduate grading questions, and Associate Deans Jeff Honda or Amy Leisenring for graduate student grading questions. 如果学生有问题 about how a W or NC grade will affect their financial aid eligibility, veterans benefits, or international student visa requirements, please direct them to the 常见问题解答s on the Registrar’s website or the appropriate office (金融援助, 退伍军人资源中心, International Student and Scholar Services). For your immediate information the 常见问题解答s are linked 在这里.

文森特·J. 德尔·卡西诺.
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs