

发件人:文森特·J. 德尔·卡西诺., Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs


I am pleased to inform you that we have launched a summer working group to build upon the great ideas proposed by the 2020-21 (un) Honors Task Force. 看到 在这里 for the Task Force’s presentation to the campus community last month.

The summer working group includes representation from faculty as well as student affairs. Its charge is to imagine a program that is innovative and interdisciplinary, and that speaks to the concerns of this region and this moment. 

Please share your thoughts or feedback with members of the working group. 我们希望 to present some recommendations to the wider campus community this Fall.

文森特·J. 德尔·卡西诺.


Walter Adams, Assistant Professor, Biological 科学
Lina Anastasovitou, Coordinator of Academic Success, 住房
Teresa De La Cruz, Director, 教育al Opportunity Program
约翰·德拉克鲁斯,lol菠菜网正规平台学副教授 & 大众传媒
Deanna Gonzales, Director, Undergraduate 招生 & 外展
Steven Lin,音乐讲师 & 跳舞
Nidhi Mahendra, Department Chair, Communicative Disorders & 科学
Coleetta Mcelroy, Interim Senior AVP, Enrollment Management
Sarika Pruthi, Associate Professor, Global 创新 & 领导
Jennifer Rycenga,人文学教授