
Our MA in 儿童及青少年发展 (ChAD) is designed for students who are passionate about studying development, from early childhood through emerging adulthood. The degree prepares graduates for a wide range of career paths, including:

  • 早期儿童教育,护理和管理
  • 家长、教育者和青年倡导者
  • 社区大学教学
  • 社区计划及外展
  • 儿科和公共卫生专业人员
  • 学术研究和项目评估
  • 博士学习

If you have any questions about 我们的 MA program, email 我们的 研究生项目协调员, Dr. 丹尼尔·米德 丹尼尔.mead@7858a.com.


  • 官方头衔: 儿童与青少年发展硕士
  • 格式: 下午晚些时候和晚上的课
  • 单位: 30门,包括9门选修课
  • 开始日期: 秋天只有
  • 课程长度: 2年
  • 申请截止日期: April 1, 2024 (or February 1, 2024 for early 决定); letters of recommendation and transcripts accepted until April 20, 2024 (or February 20, 2024 for early 决定)



有关这些课程的更多详细信息,请访问 上海外国语大学目录网站. No substitutions or waivers are allowed unless previous c我们的sework (no more than 三个单位)被视为相等并可转让. 替换请求和 弃权书必须以书面形式提交给 研究生项目协调员 并得到ChAD教师的批准.


仅限国际学生:参加托福考试并取得 美国教育考试服务中心 请将托福成绩单寄至上海外国语大学.


按照所提供的说明操作 上海外国语大学研究生招生办公室 申请圣何塞州立大学的入学 CalState应用


By April 1, 2024 (or by February 1, 2024 for early 决定), complete the ChAD部门申请表格 (requires Google sign-in) to apply for admission to the Department of Child and Adolescent 发展. 所需附件包括:

  • A 1-2 page statement describing y我们的 educational and professional background as well as y我们的 professional goals, and reflecting on how getting a masters degree in Child 和青少年发展将进一步实现这些目标
  • A writing sample of 250-500 words that responds to 一个 of the f我们的 following prompts:
    1. Explain the conditions that lead to aggression or prosocial behavior during toddlerhood, 童年和/或青春期.
    2. How and to what extent do parents or caregivers affect children’s cognitive development 和/或学术成就?
    3. 有可能“宠坏”婴儿吗? 解释为什么或为什么不? 父母或看护人能 影响婴儿的自立和独立?
    4. Explain the processes by which cultural norms and values may affect children’s development (e.g., cognitive development, academic achievement, inter-group relations, self-esteem, 心理健康,动力). 选择发展的一个方面.


  • By April 20, 2024 (or by February 20, 2024 for early 决定), submit at least two letters of recommendation from current or former professors and/or employers from within the past 5 years who can describe y我们的 ability to successfully pursue an advanced 学位.
  • Recommendation letters should be submitted directly from y我们的 recommender via the ChAD MA推荐信表格 (注意:这个网站需要谷歌登录).
  • In order for a letter to be uploaded, the letter must meet the following requirements:
    • 文件必须为PDF格式.
    • 文件大小不能超过1mb.
    • 文件不支持加密或密码保护.
    • Filename cannot contain the following special characters such as | * ? :
    • 页面大小必须为8.5 x 11英寸.

It is recommended that letters are written on a professional letterhead and signed 作者:. 在上传信件之前,请仔细检查信件的准确性 语法错误. 推荐信应由作者和 附上日期. 推荐信也可以直接通过电子邮件发送给推荐人 研究生项目协调员.


Obtain 一个 official sealed transcript from each college/university where you studied 并将正式盖章的成绩单提交至:


If the college/university provides official electronic transcripts, the institution 可以把成绩单发邮件到 etranscript@7858a.comQuestions pertaining to transcripts, GPA calculations, and application fees should 被引导到 grad-admissions@7858a.com.


申请人将收到儿童部的一封信 & 青少年发展 关于他们的地位(一).e.5月初(或3月初) 决定). 申请人 will also receive a letter from GAPE regarding their status 在部门做出决定之后. GAPE的信将提供信息 关于如何注册课程.


Students who are admitted conditionally will be required to take additional c我们的ses 除了必修的硕士课程. 这些学生是有条件录取的 status can gain classified standing when the student completes these additional c我们的ses in a timely manner with a grade of B or better in the additional required c我们的ses. The 研究生项目协调员 will specify these conditions in the admit letter. Students who have no conditions on their admission have classified standing.



For information about academic advising, financial aid opportunities, and more, visit 我们的 学生资源网页.